Saturday, November 17, 2007

40 peners & 40 Special Issues

Ancient 40 peners of the most widely distributed book in the history.
Modern 40 special issues of the book distributed in my plan.
no more in stock
~ end ~
Don't be sad, share with U interesting point I found:
I learnt a Spanish name: Casiodoro de Reina
Do u know who is he? He traveled to England, Germany, France, Holland and Switzerland. Why? He worked to complete his translation as he is a Spanish Bible scholar. Reina’s version was published in 1569.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

from Holland

1. a magnet windmill
2. an ornamental shoes
3. Animation milk chocolate with strawberry yogurt filling
Chocolate de leche entera relleno de yogur de fresa (ES)
Chocolate de leite com recheio de iogurte e morango (PT)
Cioccolato al latte ripieno con farcitura alla fragola-yogurt (IT)
Fylt melkesjokolade med jordbaer-og yoghurtfyll (NO)
Maelkechokolade med jordbaer-yoghurtfyld (DK)
Chocolate au lait entier (cacao32%) faurre au yaourt a la fraise(50%)