Friday, December 18, 2009

2010 CATlendar fr Air to :PCat

Russian blue cat

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


:P pianist of glassy piano

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


謝謝馮媽媽(from Malaysia)

Saturday, October 31, 2009


當中的主要藥草是。。。黃連 >,<

Tuesday, September 29, 2009



Monday, September 14, 2009

missing my :Pcat

I am finding glassy heart of cat, wish to see the bottom of it. It likes crystal heart and breakable. So I mark "fragile" and "handle with care" for it. It's really weak but not inferior, but only to be protected.
If you find and recognize glassy cat or glassy heart, please tell me, please~
It's T8 now, hope galssy cat is alright.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

539@Kr Seoul on 29/8/09

Yes! YES!!

Monday, September 7, 2009

sing song sung

3 songs (in Korean)
1. new song Pro 27:11
2. a song about LOVE
3. singing in the forest of Kr Branch

Saturday, September 5, 2009

감사합니다. gam-sa-ham-ni-da!

Dear all readers,
As my host said several times and wrote in the e-mail I got, "you no need to give us any present. Jehovah sends you to us. All of you're our gift^^"It's the most impressive International Convention I have ever attent. Yes, Korea- Seoul! It's much glorious than ICs held in 1993 in HK, 1998 in USA- Long Beach, 2003 in Japan- Sapporo. In my mind, I felt much deeply this time. One of the reasons maybe it's the first time to have nearly 300 HK delegates in a team, another reason is it's the first time went with my WHOLE FAMILY. I especially appreciated the very effort made by ALL Korean brother and sisters, HK branch and ALL delegates from 24 lands. Thank you. 성서의 책4:11 사랑하는 이들이여, 하느님께서 이처럼 우리를 사랑하셨으니, 우리 자신도 서로 사랑할 의무가 있습니다. 1 John 4:11Beloved ones, if this is how God loved us, then we are ourselves under obligation to love one another.

I got many fans, socks and Korean doll keyrings. Out of the gifts, I like the paintings of an elder most, he drew and framed with heart, they are nice decoration for my little house. However, the most treasurable gift I got is not portable, my host's two elder sisters attent the convention on Sunday, she was pleased as we gave them the invitation handbill. Of course, for her, the most touching moment is her student's baptism (new sister Kim, 63 years old) among 539 new JWs.

Sure, ICs are my stepping stones, my first convention and last convention are ICs. The HKIC in 1993 motivated me to attend every meetings, the USAIC fostered me to set pioneering as my career, the JPIC promoted my spirit to expand ministry to different lands...... This IC definitely deepens our love to Jehovah and our brotherhood. We love Jehovah and you all ^.^ You all are my gifts and treasures.

Let's have International Convention EVERYDAY in the paradise. Wish you and your family enjoy it in the new world ^.^

Agape,Polly de Cat

Monday, August 24, 2009

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

NEW MOViE "Welcome to KT SMPS :Phouse)

Welcome, please click and view ^.^
Take a look from window to my graduation bear ( ・㉨ ・) forever friend.

Friday, August 7, 2009

viewed sunset from new house ^.^

v're moving to Sau Sin House, Kwun Tong

Sunday, August 2, 2009


加拉太書 6:9

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Thursday, July 16, 2009

CAnTonese talk @UK

Have you ever heard a cat can talk to an English nurse in Cantonese?

Monday, July 13, 2009




O?心地純潔 = love Jehovah as our father wholeheartedly
p.s.*** w08 5/15 p 4-5# 11 我們該怎樣待人? ***我們想跟“賜平安的上帝”耶和華建立親密的友誼,就必須效法他,培養他所具有的美德,包括力求和睦的精神。(腓立比書4:9)如果我們讓“從上頭來的智慧”在生活中發揮指導作用,就會盡力跟所有人和睦相處。(雅各書3:17)是的,我們努力促進和睦,就會成為有福的人。



Saturday, July 11, 2009

1st HKitty cheque issue to bearer

今天是值得付出的日子,因為09年7月10日(now is today's London Time 09:07;10pm)確是鼓舞的一天,每完成一個鍛煉都是很難忘的。豈不是嗎?尤其在受指導和視察時,那份難耐......與......過後的輕快,仿佛暴風雨的漆黑......與......其後的朗日晴空!為了今天,以往的付出是值得的,為此特別簽發了HKitty的第一張子貓支票777英磅。

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

last 10 days in UK of present trip

"Take me on the way" HKG-Mcr-LP-Ir-SHT-Reading-LD-B'ham-LP-Mcr-HKG

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

refreshing morning =^.^= new start in July,09'

This morning in the garden of Millom Grove at 6:30am.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Koala from HK & monkey from Singapore NOW in Liverpool

Keep On the Watch DAY!

Today is kp booklet day = "COW" day, 7 牛力 finished 7th year's RP work! (UK time: 12/6/2009 7pm)
Thanks for all your support, my friends.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Friday, May 8, 2009


1. 完成粵語MTS的brs能離開學習營
2. 渡過隔離七天的維^0^住客們


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Gift from NJ

Geography day today ^.^

Monday, April 20, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

CE & AL invigilation

15/4 Social Studies 2
20/4 Physics 1, 2
21/4 Geography 1, 2
23/4 Computer and Information Technology 1, 2
25/4 Chinese Language 3 (LT), 5
27/4 Mathematics 1, 2
4/5 ASL Liberal Studies: Today China
(12/5 HKCEE Biology 1, 2)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


dental clear
experience sharing
IC teamate

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Clock Face 時鐘的面

The Clock Face
Time for you
A Bethel speaker was talking about how all of the brothers and sisters are important in the congregation, but we never want to overlook the part the older ones play in keeping the congregation strong even when they aren't able do as much as they once could.
Each hand( the second hand, the minute hand and the hour hand), on the clock has its function.
• But then he asked, "If you had no second hand on the clock, could you tell what time it is? Yes.
• If you removed the minute hand too and just had the hour hand, could you still tell the time? Yes, not as precisely, but you could make a pretty close guess.
• But if the clock had only the second hand could you tell the time? No.
• How about if you had only the minute hand? No.
Even if the clock had both the second hand AND the minute hand, could you tell what time it is? No, you need the hour hand.
So, even though the older ones may not be able to keep up the pace of the younger ones, they are very important to the spiritual health and stability of the congregation. They are encouraged to keep doing what they can, at the pace they are able to maintain, for the benefit and blessing of all in the congregation.
For the congregation to be at its strongest spiritually, all our brothers and sisters, young and old, are needed.

一個伯特利講者談及所有的兄弟姐妹們在會眾裡都是重要的, 但是我們決不要忽略了在會眾裡部分年事已高, 他們曾經強化會眾, 但是現在做的不能和過去的一樣多。
• 但是他問道, “如果您的時鐘裡沒有了秒針,您可能告訴我它是幾點嗎?能。
• 如果您去除了分針, 留下了時針, 你仍然能告訴我時間嗎? 也可以, 但不準確, 你只能猜測最接近的時間。
• 但是, 如果時鐘只有秒針, 您能知道時間嗎? 不能。
• 如果您的時鐘上僅僅有分針,又怎麼樣呢? 不能。
• 即使時鐘有秒針和分針, 您可能說出現在是幾點嗎?
• 不, 您需要時針。
因此, 雖然年紀較大的人可能步伐無法跟得上的年輕人, 但他們是很重要的, 在於屬靈上的健康和穩定。我們鼓勵他們繼續盡其所能, 使他們能夠保持步伐, 造福會眾, 帶來福分。
為了會眾達到屬靈的最強狀態, 我們需要所有兄弟和姐妹, 不論長幼, 我們需要您。

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Polly de Cat係朋友心目中既形象 quiz and the result is 關心別人
你在朋友心目中常常關心別人,只要對方有一點異樣,你便上前問個究竟,並一起分擔他的壓力及困難,因此你在朋友心目中是非常受歡迎。 建議:有時過份了解別人,會令人猜忌,你容易被陰險小人中傷,雖然常關心他人,但自己的事卻埋藏起來,令自己獨自承受,因此你應該多點向別人分擔你的難處,互相幫助。

What do you think?

Friday, March 27, 2009

run in the rain, walking and talking while raining

THANKS GIVING to those served in the VIP room
Today is our School Sports Day (Finals) at 8am, I took medicine before leaving home. It’s cold and raining with wind. All teachers and students have to hide themselves in their umbrellas and waited for the rain to stop. I was weak, sleepy and cold. Some of the events were cancelled while some of the games were postponed to 9am. I took rest in the VIP room after reporting to the umpire team and before the duty time. The VIP room was used for first-Aid centre and some volunteers were there. One of the care takers found my face was red and asked me to have body-temperature measurement. It’s normal but I felt cold and they gave me jackets. The students gave me hot water brought from working desk, they were very kind to me. Some told me jokes to cheer me up. But some students were bored with only 1 “VIP” and took my mobile, they entered their numbers and saved their names! The officials told me to stay there and measured my temperature time by time, no fever but sometimes it was too low. There’s no improvement and my body became colder, then I left the sports centre early with approval by 10mins to 11am.

混身無力 =.= 現在肩頭不能擔犁頭

Friday, March 20, 2009

Welcome to 2009 HK Flower Show

more in

Thursday, March 12, 2009

new glasses

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Monday, February 23, 2009

Special Events of School

23rd & 24th Feb --- F7 Oral Mock Exam
27th Feb --- F3 Former Central School Envisioning Day
28th Feb --- F1 Interviewing Day
6th Mar --- North Point Police Station visit
9th Mar --- Central Library tour
10st & 13 rd Mar --- F5 Oral Mock Exam
20th & 27th Mar --- Sports Day

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Monday, February 16, 2009


Tuesday, February 10, 2009


一年無 gain

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Bear's hat and gloves


≡/^. ^\≡
/_____\ Polly de Cat

Monday, February 2, 2009

Q's teaching

Like a body.Simplest body and head Subject controls the object.More complicated , has limbs - verbs .More complicated put on clothing body clothing - adjectives , put on limbs clothing -adverbs.Put on punctuation stops hands and feet control the pace.

Best way is not to let students think they are learning grammar.Teach a sentence eg "I like to eat ice cream" then change parts eg Subject I , we , they , you , he , she , you plural. Then try changing the object . Bananas , chips , tofu ,fish intestine . Then try verb . To freeze , to melt , to scoop , to make.then the auxiliary verb hate , love . Then add an adverb eg I like to eat ice cream , quickly , slowly .Get them to find substitutes for each part of the sentence .G

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Monday, January 26, 2009

asked :PCat


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

2008 has sped by. Now, we need to face 2009.

In 2009, this year.

There may be risks involved.

We may need to face roadblocks,

So stay alert.

Share time with friends.

Jump over obstacles

With care

And caution.

Face challenges.

Remember to laugh.


Make new friends.


Above ready for adventure.

Stick together

And you will be able to go far.

Very far....

Well, not quite that far....

Always take time to smell the flowers.

Don't forget to relax and enjoy ^.^

Friday, January 16, 2009


別灰心喪氣Guli bieren he ziji buyao fangqi...

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Today's presents

Love 2009 Feb AW & pocket Bible

La Source, Lavender and Rosewater
Daily Reading in the morning
Weekly reading scheduled as follows:
Sun, Mon, Thu & Sat
Meetings: Wed & Sun