As my host said several times and wrote in the e-mail I got, "you no need to give us any present. Jehovah sends you to us. All of you're our gift^^"It's the most impressive International Convention I have ever attent. Yes, Korea- Seoul! It's much glorious than ICs held in 1993 in HK, 1998 in USA- Long Beach, 2003 in Japan- Sapporo. In my mind, I felt much deeply this time. One of the reasons maybe it's the first time to have nearly 300 HK delegates in a team, another reason is it's the first time went with my WHOLE FAMILY. I especially appreciated the very effort made by ALL Korean brother and sisters, HK branch and ALL delegates from 24 lands. Thank you. 성서의 책4:11 사랑하는 이들이여, 하느님께서 이처럼 우리를 사랑하셨으니, 우리 자신도 서로 사랑할 의무가 있습니다. 1 John 4:11Beloved ones, if this is how God loved us, then we are ourselves under obligation to love one another.
I got many fans, socks and Korean doll keyrings. Out of the gifts, I like the paintings of an elder most, he drew and framed with heart, they are nice decoration for my little house. However, the most treasurable gift I got is not portable, my host's two elder sisters attent the convention on Sunday, she was pleased as we gave them the invitation handbill. Of course, for her, the most touching moment is her student's baptism (new sister Kim, 63 years old) among 539 new JWs.
Sure, ICs are my stepping stones, my first convention and last convention are ICs. The HKIC in 1993 motivated me to attend every meetings, the USAIC fostered me to set pioneering as my career, the JPIC promoted my spirit to expand ministry to different lands...... This IC definitely deepens our love to Jehovah and our brotherhood. We love Jehovah and you all ^.^ You all are my gifts and treasures.
Let's have International Convention EVERYDAY in the paradise. Wish you and your family enjoy it in the new world ^.^
Agape,Polly de Cat